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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tranny Spotting

Today on the light rail, I met a tranny with a beard.

TECHNICALLY it was just stubble...but it sounds cooler if you say you met a tranny with a beard. This isn't my first rodeo in terms of trannys in this area of Houston. But this IS the first time I've seen really noticeable facial hair on a shim.

TIMEOUT--I broke my sunglasses this weekend somehow. I wear sunglasses on the light rail every day so it doesn't look as noticeable when I'm gawking at people. You know how kids always stare at things that are different? I never grew out of that.--TIME IN (zach morris, anyone?)

So since I am without sunglasses, it's hard to stare at the shemale, but I can't help not staring. So I stare. Sure enough we make eye contact.
Hot mess: "I like your sweater."

--I feel really out of place today on the light rail because EVERYBODY is wearing dark colors and I'm wearing khakis and a pink cardigan...I stick out like an anorexic kid at fat camp--
me: "Thanks....You have cool hair...." I wanted to compliment her facial hair.
Hot Mess: "yeah girl I just got it did this weekend."

I couldn't stop staring at it so as soon as a seat opened on my favorite area of the train, I grabbed it.
I wanted to avoid anymore of the awkward conversation with the tranny.

Moral of The Story: I need new sunglasses or you'll stop reading this.

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