Please visit! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For the love of Sidd

Today on the light rail, I saw Sidd Sinha's twin.

If you don't know Sidd, you probably want to stop reading this because you won't think this is funny.  And you're probably wondering why I don't have a picture of this kid...well I couldn't get a good angle, but he's a picture of Sidd and I swear the guy looks exactly like him:

The guy even had the same goofy drawstring backpack Sidd used to carry around.

 just like the one you wore to swim practice when you were a kid..

I was in shock and wanted to ask him if his name was Sidd, but figured that may have come out a bit of a stereotype..or whatever the other word I'm looking I just didn't talk to him....until I had to ask him to move when I was getting off the light rail.

Moral of the story: Yes I just wrote a blog about seeing somebody that looked like somebody I know.

***Pretty soon will be up and ready....well it is TECHNICALLY up, just not ready to start using it just yet..have to make a few changes and all that.  I'll keep you POSTED on the progress (see what I just did there?).***

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Light Rail epic FAIL

Today on the light rail, it is super crowded.
SEE what I mean??

Yes I'm blogging from the light rail so excuse the grammar mistakes.

First of all, I waited 10 minutes for the train to come.  You can imagine all the restless people waiting with me.  Then when I'm finally on, the stupid driver is all like "you know dis train aint gunna move till you all clear tha do way".  Then we sit at the stop for 5 minutes when she finally opens the door and a man by me says "f this, I'll go for the next one." and gets off.

That's ok and all, but the next train will be just as full.

Moral of the Story: Not my fault if I infect all these Houstonians with influenza...Metro should have more double car trains.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bird lady

Today on the light rail, I wanted to sit down.

As soon as I stepped on the light rail this morning, my mission was to find an empty seat.  I'm not feeling well today and the last thing I wanted to do was stand and hold on to a pole with my sickly hands.  There was a seat open next to this woman, but she had her feet propped up and her jar of red seeds sitting in the seat next to her.  Her shoes were off.  Gross. I don't care that she had socks on. Still. Gross.

Now timeout for a second, I know Austin just opened a new metrorail that takes an hour to get from Leander to Downtown, but in Houston the longest amount of time you can possibly be on the lightrail is 30 minutes end to end.  With that being said, is it really necessary for you to pull out your bird seeds and chomp on them with your shoes off, taking up two seats???  I didn't think so.

I was standing up trying to take a picture of this woman but didn't get one until the next stop when a man got on the train and asked the lady to move so he could sit down.  He was clearly annoyed.

wtf kind of seeds are red?? And WHY are they in a teddy bear jar?

Moral of the story: No, it's not OK for you to take up two seats, I don't care if you weigh 500 pounds, it's still not OK.

Sorry I've been on a bit of a break from the LR blog.  Last week was BUSY.  My palm pre just did an update and now I can take keep your eyes peeled for that.  Oh and I'll be switching to the new design and new website very shortly..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Boots and Boys

Today on the light rail, I encountered some cowboys.

Yeah I thought it was a little early in the morning for the Rodeo, too, but I think they were heading out to reliant to chill with their livestock. You know, maybe weigh their cows or something.

There were open seats available in my favorite area of the train but people were blocking it, so I was stuck standing next to these men, probably in their 50s..maybe younger...I have no concept of age. Of course they were wearing giant belt buckles, tight jeans, boots, and cowboy hats..oh and some jackets that had their team name on it, I suppose. But like I always say, this guy is the only man that looks good in tight jeans. I guess I missed out on that gene every other girl in Texas know the "cowboy butts drive me nuts" gene. I think I'm homozygous dominate for preferring a Northeastern attitude mixed with a Texas soul. (yeah I realize that makes no sense to you, but it makes sense in my head)

Nonetheless, I talked to these fellers...and by talked, I mean I made one comment until I realized I didn't feel like talking to people that don't speak correct English.

Cowboy1: (insert incredibly hick accent here) "I tell you wut...dem bullriders this year be really good."
Cowboy2: "Mmmmmhhhmmmm."
Yes, I invited myself into this conversation.
Me: "I like mutton bustin'. Cracks me up."
Cowboy1: "HAHAHAHA. Thas a gOOd one too. Those there are some tough kids, I tell you what."
I laugh.

The cowboys continue talking about random rodeo stuff. They were probably talking about how much beef they get to eat once they buy all the steer. It was too early in the morning for me to be paying attention.

Moral of the story: Wake up in the mornin feelin like Garth Brooks....

yes, I've been listening to too much Ke$ha this morning.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Metro Lightrail: 0......Metro Bus Driver: 2

Today on the light rail, I was forced to inhale the stench of people at the end of the day.  You know that smell...people have been working in construction or in the hospital all's like a mixture of body odor, sick people, and dirt.

Yes, the lightrail was packed..and I even left work before 5.  I was standing next to a group of people complaining about how crowded the train was today.  Apparently, a train and a bus collided today.

For the second time in a matter of weeks.

At the same exact spot.


And I thought the people riding the train were crazy, I suppose the drivers are just as bad.

^video footage from the first crash in early February^

So naturally, I come home and look up the story on the internet (can be found right here: and I check out some of the comments below the post., thinking maybe I can make some new friends, you know public transportation loving friends.
My favorite is from ElGuapo1, "And Metro wants to put additional rail lines on our streets? Stop the insanity!".

oh and this one from Multi: "Ah yes, the Tooterville Trolley causes another wreck. I wonder how many had to be taken away in an abulance with the lawyers following close behind!" (no I did not spellcheck these people's posts)
Redbiker98 had this to share: "Again? Trains should not share the roadways with cars, period. This is only going to get worse wit the new lines going in."

The comments go on and on and on...people calling the lightrail a "toy train" that apparently "nobody rides".  So here's what imma do.  Imma get on my soapbox real quick ya'll because if Kanye can do it, I can do it.
  1. It's the metro bus drivers at fault here, not the lightrail.  I would never ride a Houston city bus...gross.
  2. How can you say "nobody" rides the lightrail when every day I take it to and from work and most of the time it is nearly full, ESPECIALLY in the afternoon.
  3. People that comment on are the rich white folks that have the huge houses in river oaks that think the lightrail makes Houston trashy.
  4. Sure the lightrail cost a lot of money to build and sure it was seemingly pointless at the time but how else would the drunk young professionals living in midtown get to the rodeo? Do you want drinking and driving accidents too? I didn't think so.
  5. Don't dis the lightrail until you ride it, punks.

Moral of the story: I will now leave you with my favorite quote from user Lastplace: "Eyewitness said bus driver was seen eating a big bowl of dumba$$ right before the crash."

Oh how I love Houstonians.

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's March. And it's Texas. Duh.

Today on the lightrail..........dammit not ANOTHER post about the weather!

I'll spare you the conversation I had today about the weather.  The brief story:
Man complains about Texas weather.
Katie giggles.
Man says he'll be shedding his jacket in an hour.
That's why Katie didn't wear a jacket.
Man says he's from Florida and likes the sun.
Katie likes the sun too.
Man asks where Katie's from.
Katie says Houston.
Man mistakes Katie as a student.
Katie corrects him and points out the fact she has a college degree.
Man makes a point to compliment Katie's sunglasses.
Katie smiles.
Man rambles more about the weather and girls wearing less clothes.

Katie takes this picture of homeless man while man #1 is talking:

Because every homeless man needs a Lightning McQueen stool to carry around with him.

Moral of the story: You only talk about the weather when there's nothing else to talk about...think about that the next time you're talking to a real friend and not a'll realize how boring you are.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lighrail Lessons in Love #2

Today on the lightrail, I was given love advice again that I did not ask for.

I took an earlier train to get a head start on work today....yeah, that doesn't sound like me at all, now does it?  I found a seat in the handicap designated area (there were no wheelchairs and nobody would sit down so why not take a seat??).  This woman had a baby in a stroller.  The child was adorable and kept staring at me (All my HDFS classes at UT said that babies stare at pretty faces...thanks for making my day, baby on the lightrail.), so naturally I did the smiling and waving back at the child.  This was a bad idea, as it started a conversation with the man next to me.

Dr.DrewWannabe: "You got any kids?"
Me: "Nonononononono"
Dr.DrewWannabe: "Was a matter, you don't want none?"
Me: "I'm too young..and I'm not married,"
Dr.DrewWannabe: "How old you?"
Me: "23..I mean 24"  (yeah..I still forget..)
Dr.DrewWannabe: "haha..You ain't too young..and you don't gotta be married to have kids!"
Me: "Uhhhhhhhhhh I beg to differ."
Dr.DrewWannabe: "Imma tell you sumthin.  You like kids?"
Me: "Well yeah.."
Dr.DrewWannnabe: "Then don't let anybody hold you can have kids. Better to have 'em young so you can chase 'em round and stuff.  If you in love, that's all you need to make a baby.  Baby's are beautiful things and ain't nothin better than holding your baby in your arms."

I smile at the man and wish the woman with the stroller could get off the train so I could move.

Dr.DrewWannabe: "But you gotta be ready to have kids.  You gotta be in love. Don't listen to nobody sayin you gotta have the money for them. You just gotta have love fo yo man and fo yo child."

WOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOOWOWWOWOWOWOW. I could get into a political rant right now, but I'll refrain and hope you all now know that people do, in fact, think this way. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW.

Dr.DrewWannabe: "Is all about love."

I obviously stop talking to this man for a number of reasons:
1) He told me to have a child out of wedlock ON PURPOSE.
2) He thinks as long as your in love the world will fall into place.
4) He had bad breath.

Moral of the story: So this is why MTV has a show called "16 and Pregnant"........

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Oh the weather outside is weather..."

Today on the lightrail, a man asked me if it was going to rain today.

Now, I suppose you could believe he didn't get a chance to watch the news, which is exactly what he told me, but it was raining as he said this.....................

All I could think was that scene in Mean Girls when Karen says: "There's a 30% chance it's already raining!"  I thought about reenacting that scene for him, but I figured it was NSFLR.

Moral of the story: I guess he doesn't have that fifth sense that helps him predict the weather like I do.

*another bonus quote the movie for the title quote and you win a free prize. tweet/text/facebook/comment to win*

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow...

Today on the lightrail, I experienced something I have never experienced before: strangers talking to one another. *gasp*

I don't know what somebody threw in the Houston water this morning, but people were abnormally friendly on the lightrail.  Randos talking to randos...homeless people chatting it up with Med students.  Metro workers talking to metro commuters.  It was like a scene in a movie about a perfect world.

You may not see this as a big deal but it is...especially when every day I take public transportation and usually am pushed/shoved/mocked/ridiculed (yeah I typically don't share most of those stories..).  Today I couldn't keep up with all the conversations going on, that and people were being genuinely nice.  For once, I was not the only person having a random conversation with a stranger. 

Good for you, Houston.

Moral of the story: Here's to you, Mr. Sunshine, you make public transportation a better place.

p.s. I drove to work yesterday because I woke up no post. :/

Thursday, March 4, 2010

'Cus it's root root root for the home team...

Today on the lightrail, I saw a man rooting for team Marijuana.

I began to wonder if Canada switched their logo to a weed leaf instead of a maple leaf.  That would be an interesting flag.  The man was wearing a hat that had weed leaves on the front and on the bill and on the back said "MARIJUANA".  At first maybe I thought that was his name, because when I was a kid we had our names stiched on our softball hats in the same position:

check out the sweet stache too...

I couldn't get a good picture of the front, as much as I tried.  The man REEEKKKEEEDDDDD, but probably because he was homeless.  How do I know this? Because he got off the rail at the same time as the annoying group of 4th year UT Houston med students...and I know he wasn't going to the same place as those kids (soup kitchen stop too). 

So while everybody else is waiting for the Astros opening day in less than a month, this man is waiting to legalize marijuana. So he can continue begging for your money on the streets to buy weed.  Let's here it for the home team!

Moral of the story: I still think the Ohio State Buckeye plant logo looks like a weed leaf.  Maybe this guy is just an Ohio State fan, in which case he sucks. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All my friends know the low rider

Today on the lightrail, a man told me his whole life story.  Let us begin....

It started at the lightrail platform.  The man in the blue jacket told me good morning and told me to have a good day.  He was conversing with another man so I left them alone.  When the train arrived, I happened to find a seat across from the man in the blue jacket.

ChattyCathy: "Feels like we're in a low rider, huh?"
I don't understand why this man feels this way...I mean the train is WAY higher than the cars on the street..w.t.f.
Me: "hehehe"
ChattyCathy: "Man I feels like I'm back in Los Angeles. I use to have lots of friends out dat way. We be ridin around in the low riders. Those were the days, yaknowwhatimsayin? We had not a care in the world but ridin around in the low riders. They was so close to the ground and you know in LA that kinna messes up da car.  We jus rode around all day lookin all fly.  Man back then I use to think I was God's gift to women.  Those were the good days.  But then I grew up and now look at me.  I could afford to loose some pounds huh?
I giggle a bit.  There's a slight silence...I mean in like 2 seconds TOPS.
ChattyCathy: "You goin to work?"
Me: "yes sir"
ChattyCathy: "Where at?"
Me: "The med school.  I do research."
ChattyCathy: "Man I jus got back from a research project.  You know is a big company called Pioneer.  They do lots of arth-a-ritis research and what have you. Yeah day putchu up in a place for a week and they be runnin on these tests on me.  You know it's a trillion dollar company.  They be foreign though so they have all these drugs they don't have ready over here, yaknowwhatimsayin?  Is a good company. Is bigger than Ben Taub and all dos companies and they make good drugs. I had to go because I cracked my ankle in like a thousand pieces, yaknowhatimsayin.  So what happens is day give you dis medicine and it's really strong and it lets the pain go away but right when you take it, you hear noises in your head..and maaannn I don't like dem noises.  It goes on for about 5 minutes and it's just crazy.  But when the noises go away, ain't no mo pain.  You see, I hurt my ankle playin basketball.  I usually land on two feet after I jump but somehow I landed on jus 1 and my foot was all twisted around and I could hear all dem bones just break right den.  So I went to da hospital at Ben taub and man they hadn't seen anything like it.  They had to fly a doctor from UMT down in Galveston (sidenote, he meant UTMB...) in a helicopter but when he got there hes like "man you prolly aint gonna be able to walk again".  But I know God had a plan for me to get on with the rest of my life.  And by the grace of God I can walk and I'm here witchu today, yaknowwhatimsayin."
I just continue smiling and nodding my head.
ChattyCathy's phone rings.  He turns to the man from the platform who is now sitting behind me.
ChattyCathy: "Man, why she be callin me today? I ain't payin no mo for that kid."
He turns back to me to explain, obviously.
ChattyCathy: "This girl. She be wantin me to buy her alcohol all da time..."
Me: "It's not even 9 am?"
ChattyCathy: "I see I don't drink.  And there's just somethings you women do that aren't right fo yo man.  It's her decision for her to drink but she gots a problem."
Phone rings again...
ChattyCathy: "hang on, Imma take dis."
He's on the phone for a few minutes...we're quickly approaching his stop...I just know he's getting off at the Hermann stop...
ChattyCathy: " I love the woman but MAN..she just needs to stop bugging me about stuff, yaknowwhatimsayin? Anyways..I gotsta get off now but you have a great day."
Me: "You too."

Moral of the story: It feels more like a monster truck when you're on the train, not a low rider.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Texas Independence Day!

Today on the lightrail, it was crowded. I'm not quite sure why, but it was full of normals.

I was, however, sent this video and it reminded me of the ridiculous people on the light rail. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when Jennifer sent it to me.

Moral of the story: I hope you voted wisely today.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lightrail Lessons in Love #1

Today on the lightrail, I realized I should write a book about all the love advice I receive from my fellow lightrail riders.

It's a rainy day in Houston, much different than the beautiful weather yesterday (of which I spent watching a Hockey game at a Canadian Pub, eh).  So naturally, I started my morning off a little on the grumpy side, until I stepped onto the rail.

LoveDoctor: "Say girl. Say! SAY!"
I have a confused look on my face until I realized he was talking to me.
Me: "Me?"
LoveDoctor: "Yeah you. Whatchu got yo ring on the right hand for? Wake up on da wrong side of the bed or somethin?"
I'm once again confused with what he's talking about.
Me: "Huh?"
LoveDoctor: "Yo ring..girl c'mon you knowwhati'mtalkinbout"
Me: "Oh no this is my college ring...see?"
I hold my hand out for him.
LoveDoctor: "Oh hahaha. You not engaged?"
Me: "No!"
LoveDoctor: "I was gunna say, girl who you tryin to trick.."
I laugh a little and feel a little awkward at the same time.
LoveDoctor: "You know, if he liked it, he woulda put a ring on it.."
Me: "Isn't that a song?"
LoveDoctor: "I'm jus messin witchu.  Girl lemme tell you sumthin. You's a catch and any guy should be lucky to have you."
Me: "You..don't even know me?"
LoveDoctor: "But I can jus tell. Sumthin boutchu. lemme give you some advice.  Don't be chasin dem boys..let dem chase after you, because da one that runs the fastest is the one you gunna marry."
I don't quite understand what he's trying to say at this point, to be honest with you.
LoveDoctor: "Jus be patient and you'll get a ring on your other finger someday. Imma tell you that much. It'll happen."
Me: "Huh?"
I don't think this man quite understands who I am......
LoveDoctor: "Just you wait."
I wish my phone wasn't dying since I didn't have my charger at my parent's last night so I could be texting right now....

I end the awkward conversation with the man once I decide to move to the other side by the other doors to let people out.

Moral of the story: I prefer my fortune to be told in the form of a piece of paper that falls out of a cookie.